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New posts in recode

Replace multiple values across columns in a loop

Recoding groups of individuals

r recode

R: Error while recoding variables using car::recode function

Setting *most* variables to missing, while preserving the contents of a select few

sas datastep recode

How to automate recoding of many variables using mutate_at and nested ifelse statement?

r dataframe dplyr recode

Conditional recode based on lookup vector

r dplyr lookup recode

Recode a string column into integer using dplyr

r dplyr recode

R data.table multi column recode/sub-assign [duplicate]

Get the most frequent value per row and account for ties [duplicate]

r count recode

R: How to recode multiple variables at once

r dplyr recode

Recode numeric values in R

r numeric recode

how to pass a named vector or two vectors as arguments to dplyr::recode

r dplyr recode

Recode multiple columns using dplyr

r recode dplyr

Recode a variable using data.table

r data.table recode

Use recode to mutate across multiple columns using named list of named vectors

r recode

dplyr::recode Why does pipe generate error?

r dplyr pipe recode

Idiom for ifelse-style recoding for multiple categories

r r-factor recode

Replace a value in a data frame based on a conditional (`if`) statement

r recode