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Filter dataframe based on input vector containing column names

I have a dataframe as follows

Sol_name    geo_pos     loc_pos     dol_pos    pol_pos   kol_pos

A            1            1          0          0         1
B            0            1          1          0         0
C            1            0          1          1         1
D            0            1          0          0         1

I need to create a function where the user can input column names into a vector and the dataframe will get filtered where value in any of those columns is 1

Example: If the input is col_nm = c("geo_pos","dol_pos") then the output I am looking for is

Sol_name    geo_pos     loc_pos     dol_pos    pol_pos   kol_pos

A            1            1          0          0         1
B            0            1          1          0         0
C            1            0          1          1         1

Is there any efficient way to do this?


df <- read.table(text="Sol_name    geo_pos     loc_pos     dol_pos    pol_pos   kol_pos
A            1            1          0          0         1
B            0            1          1          0         0
C            1            0          1          1         1
D            0            1          0          0         1",h=T)
like image 817
NinjaR Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 12:03


1 Answers

We can use rowSums efficiently here to filter rows which has at least one "1" in the selected columns.

get_one_rows <- function(cols) {
    df[rowSums(df[cols] == 1) > 0, ]

col_nm = c("geo_pos","dol_pos")

# Sol_name geo_pos loc_pos dol_pos pol_pos kol_pos
#1        A       1       1       0       0       1
#2        B       0       1       1       0       0
#3        C       1       0       1       1       1

col_nm = c("kol_pos")

#  Sol_name geo_pos loc_pos dol_pos pol_pos kol_pos
#1        A       1       1       0       0       1
#3        C       1       0       1       1       1
#4        D       0       1       0       0       1
like image 120
Ronak Shah Avatar answered Apr 17 '23 23:04

Ronak Shah