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How to match and replace elements between two dataframes




I need to replace elements from one dataframe values into another dataframe.

For example:


   id  value
0   1     10
1   2     12
2   3     54
3   4     21


   col1  col2  col3
0     1     2     3
1     1     1     3
2     1     3     4
3     1     1     5

Expected Output:

replaced values from df1 and applied to df2.

   col1  col2  col3
0    10    12    54
1    10    10    54
2    10    54    21
3    10    10     5

How to do this is in R?

Ill solve this problem in pandas like below,

print df2.replace(dic)

But I'm stuck in R.

Please help me to solve this problem?

like image 315
Mohamed Thasin ah Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 18:03

Mohamed Thasin ah

1 Answers

We can loop through each column of df2 using lapply and find a match for id column in df1 and replace the values for the match found using ifelse and keep the remaining values as it is.

df2[] <- lapply(df2, function(x) {
   inds <- match(x, df1$id)
   ifelse(is.na(inds),x, df1$value[inds]) 


#  col1 col2 col3
#0   10   12   54
#1   10   10   54
#2   10   54   21
#3   10   10    5
like image 179
Ronak Shah Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 10:03

Ronak Shah