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New posts in sentiment-analysis

How to save the result of classifier textblob NaiveBayesClassifier?

Is there a way to improve performance of nltk.sentiment.vader Sentiment analyser?

tidytext R in spanish - any alternative?

Amazon Machine Learning for sentiment analysis

How to pass each row as an argument to R script from Tableau calculated field

Get all twitter mentions using tweepy for users with Millions of followers

Textblob sentiment algorithm

Is there a Sentiment Analysis Script available in open source? [closed]

php sentiment-analysis

Is there a set of adjective word list for positive or negative polarity [closed]

What are the most challenging issues in Sentiment Analysis(opinion mining)?

nlp sentiment-analysis

Which classification to choose?

Estimating document polarity using R's qdap package without sentSplit

r nlp sentiment-analysis qdap

Any efficient way to find surrounding ADJ respect to target phrase in python?

Sentiment analysis in R (not using tm.plugin.tags)

r sentiment-analysis

Adding Special Case Idioms to Python Vader Sentiment

Why is google natural language returning an incorrect beginOffset for analyzed string?

Is it possible to do sentiment analysis of unlabelled text using word2vec model?