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New posts in text-classification

Using Keras for text classification

Passing multiple sentences to BERT?

scikit-learn classification using doc2vec representation

How can i classify text documents with using SVM and KNN

Get corresponding classes to predict_proba (GridSearchCV sklearn)

Using data set for training and testing in NLTK [duplicate]

Can you recommend a package in R that can be used to count precision, recall and F1-score for multi class classification tasks [closed]

How to predict desired class using Naive Bayes in Text Classification

How do i build a model using Glove word embeddings and predict on Test data using text2vec in R

Adding Special Case Idioms to Python Vader Sentiment

How to use SHAP with a linear SVC model from sklearn using Pipeline?

How to use pickled classifier with countVectorizer.fit_transform() for labeling data

Using Topic Model, how should we set up a "stop words" list?

How to handle text classification problems when multiple features are involved

How to resample text (imbalanced groups) in a pipeline?

Large classification document corpus

How do I determine the binary class predicted by a convolutional neural network on Keras?

How to use spark Naive Bayes classifier for text classification with IDF?

Naive Bayes in Quanteda vs caret: wildly different results