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New posts in word-embedding

How to store Word vector Embeddings?

Tensorflow: "GraphDef cannot be larger than 2GB." error when saving model after assigning variables

What is the difference between syntactic analogy and semantic analogy?

nlp word-embedding fasttext

How do i build a model using Glove word embeddings and predict on Test data using text2vec in R

Multiple embedding layers in keras

Document similarity with Word Mover Distance and Bert-Embedding

How to save and load Glove models?

python-3.x word-embedding

Download pre-trained sentence-transformers model locally

Pytorch embedding RuntimeError: Expected object of type torch.LongTensor but found type torch.cuda.LongTensor for argument #3 'index'

NLP - Embeddings selection of `start` and `end` of sentence tokens

What embedding-layer output_dim is really needed for a dictionary of just 10000 words?

Using pretrained glove word embedding with scikit-learn

memory error when using gensim for loading word2vec

Merging layers on Keras (dot product)

WARNING: WARNING:tensorflow:Model was constructed with shape (None, 150) , but it was called on an input with incompatible shape (None, 1)

How do I create a Keras Embedding layer from a pre-trained word embedding dataset?

How to get token ids using spaCy (I want to map a text sentence to sequence of integers)

nlp spacy word-embedding

How to get word vectors from Keras Embedding Layer

How to cluster similar sentences using BERT