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New posts in word-embedding

Universal sentence encoder for big document similarity

Keras Embedding Layer: keep zero-padded values as zeros

How to correctly use mask_zero=True for Keras Embedding with pre-trained weights?

How to get both the word embeddings vector and context vector of a given word by using word2vec?

Word Embedding, LookupTable, Word Embedding Visualizations

Fasttext algorithm use only word and subword? or sentences too?

Python/Gensim - What is the meaning of syn0 and syn0norm?

What is the best way to handle missing words when using word embeddings?

How are the TokenEmbeddings in BERT created?

Tensorflow embedding_lookup

How to use GloVe word-embeddings file on Google colaboratory

Reloading Keras Tokenizer during Testing

Why use cosine similarity in Word2Vec when its trained using dot-product similarity

What is the difference between keras.tokenize.text_to_sequences and word embeddings

Download pre-trained BERT model locally

python-3.x word-embedding

Bigram to a vector

nlp word2vec word-embedding

What should be the word vectors of token <pad>, <unknown>, <go>, <EOS> before sent into RNN?

How to evaluate Word2Vec model

What is the difference between Sentence Encodings and Contextualized Word Embeddings?

NLP Transformers: Best way to get a fixed sentence embedding-vector shape?