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New posts in svm

LIBSVM in MATLAB/Octave - what's the output of libsvmread?

How to use string kernels in scikit-learn?

python string scikit-learn svm

How to train OpenCV SVM with BoW Properly

Difference between classification and regression, with SVMs

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Training images using SVM on OpenCV

What are the steps to do handwritten character recognition in python? Using opencv and sci kit learn? [closed]

How to compute the probability of a multi-class prediction using libsvm?

Are there any SVM libraries that support custom kernels that can be used with Visual Studio C++?

Training custom SVM to use with HOGDescriptor in OpenCV

c++ opencv svm

SVM Classification - minimum number of input sets for each class

Is it required to shuffle the training data for SVM multi-classification? [closed]

machine-learning svm libsvm

OpenCV unable to set up SVM Parameters

number of support vectors libsvm

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The dimension of dual_coef_ in sklearn. SVC

scikit-learn svm

How to use scikit-learn's SVM with histograms as features?

How can i classify text documents with using SVM and KNN

Modeling-Support Vector Regression (SVR) vs. Linear Regression

SVM in R for regression

r svm

Support Vector Machine : What are C & Gamma? [closed]

machine-learning svm

How to use libsvm in Matlab?