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New posts in object-detection

How to train OpenCV SVM with BoW Properly

Tensorflow Object Detection API with Mobilenets overfits custom multiclass dataset

computer vision - Counting small circles in an image

HOGDescriptor with videos to recognize objects

Natural feature tracking with openCV- evaluating the options

How to find bounding boxes coordinates in Tensorflow Object Detection API

How to get only boxes for specific categories in tensorflow object detection

OpenCV extract area of an image from a vector of squares

image size for object detection API

Tensorflow Object Detection: use Adam instead of RMSProp

Vehicle segmentation and tracking

Error when converting xml files to tfrecord files

What is the loss function of the Mask RCNN?

TensorFlow object detection training error with TPU

How to store best models checkpoints, not only newest 5, in Tensorflow Object Detection API?

How to get a rectangle around the target object using the features extracted by SIFT in OpenCV