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New posts in text-classification

How can a machine learning model handle unseen data and unseen label?

With BERT Text Classification, ValueError: too many dimensions 'str' error occuring

Lexicon dictionary for synonym words

SMOTE oversampling and cross-validation

N-grams vs other classifiers in text categorization

How I can get the vectors for words that were not present in word2vec vocabulary?

How to add more features in multi text classification?

Simple text classification using naive bayes (weka) in java

Keras Embedding Layer: keep zero-padded values as zeros

Natural Language Processing - Converting Text Features Into Feature Vectors

How to recognize entities in text that is the output of optical character recognition (OCR)?

No batch_size while making inference with BERT model

How to train a naive bayes classifier with pos-tag sequence as a feature?

Which decision_function_shape for sklearn.svm.SVC when using OneVsRestClassifier?

How can I get around Keras pad_sequences() rounding float values to zero?

How to rank features by their importance in a Weka classifier?

Unable to train my keras model : (Data cardinality is ambiguous:)

Reloading Keras Tokenizer during Testing

Improving on the basic, existing GloVe model

why take the first hidden state for sequence classification (DistilBertForSequenceClassification) by HuggingFace