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New posts in text-classification

How to classify URLs? what are URLs features? How to select and Extract features from URL

Why scikit learn confusion matrix is reversed?

Naive Bayes probability always 1

GridSearchCV: How to specify test set?

Dealing with class imbalance in multi-label classification

TensorFlow - Text Classification using Neural Networks

What is the difference between gensim LabeledSentence and TaggedDocument

Is it necessary to do stopwords removal ,Stemming/Lemmatization for text classification while using Spacy,Bert?

Generating dictionaries to categorize tweets into pre-defined categories using NLTK

Testing the NLTK classifier on specific file

Detecting random keyboard hits considering QWERTY keyboard layout

Vocabulary Processor function

How do I properly combine numerical features with text (bag of words) in scikit-learn?

Text classification beyond the keyword dependency and inferring the actual meaning

Select top n TFIDF features for a given document

Which algorithms to use for one class classification?

How to split data (raw text) into test/train sets with scikit crossvalidation module?

InvalidArgumentError: 2 root error(s) found. Incompatible shapes in Tensorflow text-classification model

how to convert saved model from sklearn into tensorflow/lite