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New posts in feature-extraction

Why do Mel-filterbank energies outperform MFCCs for speech commands recognition using CNN?

Match Sketch(Drawing) face photo to digital color photo

computer vision: extracting info about a shape given a contour (e.g. pointy, round...)

Android AudioRecord and MediaRecorder

How to extract features from FFT?

How to classify URLs? what are URLs features? How to select and Extract features from URL

Template Matching for Coins with OpenCV

Scikit-learn principal component analysis (PCA) for dimension reduction

How to approach Machine Learning problems with dynamically sized input collection?

RandomForestRegressor and feature_importances_ error

Hilbert space filling curve for (non-square) arbitrary proportions

How to deal with array of string features in traditional machine learning?

Supervised Learning on Coding Style - Feature Selection (Scikit Learn)

Python FFT for feature extraction

How to use SIFT/SURF as features for a machine learning algorithm?

Feature Extraction with Javascript

Are there any detectors which implemented on GPU and are scale/rotate-invariant?

Uniform LBP with scikit-image local_binary_pattern function