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New posts in feature-extraction

How to apply RANSAC on SURF, SIFT and ORB matching results

OpenCV HOG feature data layout?

How can I work with my own dataset in scikit-learn (for computer vision)?

Robust tracking of blobs

Ideal number of HoG features

Sift Extraction - opencv

Understanding the output of mfcc

Empty vocabulary for single letter by CountVectorizer

What FFT descriptors should be used as feature to implement classification or clustering algorithm?

Feature Hashing on multiple categorical features(columns)

Is it possible to query Elastic Search with a feature vector?

Extract single line contours from Canny edges

extracting pitch features from audio file

TSFRESH library for python is taking way too long to process

Best practice for holding huge lists of data in Java

How to encode dependency path as a feature for classification?

How to calculate Local Binary Pattern Histograms with OpenCV?

CountVectorizer: "I" not showing up in vectorized text

Tensorflow feature column for variable list of values