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New posts in information-retrieval

When are precision and recall inversely related?

Extracting text of Pdf on windows 8 using python 3.5.0

tf-idf: am I understanding it right?

How to make inverted index search faster?

How to estimate the quality of a web page?

What is the 11pt average precision metric?

Kindly review the python code to boost its performance

How should I save BM25Okapi object value to file?

Search for (Very) Approximate Substrings in a Large Database

Problem understanding chi-squared feature selection

Dynamic regex for date-time formats

Is NDCG (normalized discounted gain) flawed? I have calculated a few alternative ranking quality measures, and I can't make heads or tails of it

Which database can be used to store processed data from NLP engine

How to create more complex Lucene query strings?

Storing an inverted index

Precision at k when fewer than k documents are retrieved


Compute word n-grams on original text or after lemma/stemming process?

Computing similarity between two lists

What is the default list of stopwords used in Lucene's StopFilter?

How to calculate TF*IDF for a single new document to be classified?