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New posts in text-processing

Generating all word unigrams through trigrams in R

How to make grep separate output by NULL characters?

Find all hrefs in page and replace with link maintaining previous link - PHP

Detecting sections of a pdf with pdfminer [closed]

tf-idf: am I understanding it right?

details on the following Natural Language Processing terms?

Algorithm for text classification

Surround every line with single quote except empty lines

unix awk sed text-processing

Algorithm for generating a 'top list' using word frequency

processing text from a non-flat file (to extract information as if it *were* a flat file)

Removing stop words from single string

How to read a text file in R as one line

Find similar words by pronunciation - algorithms, approaches, libraries

cell array, add suffix to every string

Extracting the body text of an HTML document using PHP

How to write a program in python that will process a text stream?

How can I read 2 consecutive lines of a text file and save them as temporary variables

How to ignore certain characters while doing diff in google-diff-match-patch?

nlp diff text-processing

How to strip headers/footers from Project Gutenberg texts?