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New posts in null-character

How to make grep separate output by NULL characters?

How to create C++ istringstream from a char array with null(0) characters?

ASCII value = 0 and '\0'

c ascii null-character

fgetc null terminator

c fgetc null-character

in linux, is it normal that there is no null character at the end of file

SQLite strings with NUL

sqlite null-character

Inconsistent behavior of fscanf() across different compilers (consuming trailing null character)

c scanf stdio null-character

How best to determine if a String contains only null characters?

bash “read -a” looping on null delimited string variable

store non-nul terminated C string constant in C++

c++ string null-character

Java BufferedWriter Creating Null Characters

difference between "\0" and '\0'

c null-character

Use of null character in strings (C++)

What is the difference between (char)0 and '\0'? in C

c null-character

Assign string containing null-character (\0) to a variable in Bash

bash null-character

Reading null delimited strings through a Bash loop