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New posts in cell-array

Vertically concatenate part of cell contents

matlab cell array size much larger than actual data

matlab cell-array

Convert numbers to strings in a cell array in MATLAB

How to number strings according to their order

Vectorized or single line evaluation of function array in MATLAB

Put a character in between every character of all strings in a cell-array

string matlab cell-array

Extract specific data from a text file

regex matlab text cell-array

Reverse lookup in MATLAB cell array of indices

matlab cell-array

Delete repeated characters in strings in cell array

string matlab cell-array

How to choose the second element of each cell-array in a larger cell-array?

matlab cell-array

cell array, add suffix to every string

Matlab array having columns of different data types?

Concatenate two strings where first string has a space in the end Matlab

string matlab cell-array

matlab char array to cell array [duplicate]

matlab matrix char cell-array

Matlab - sort cell array of objects by property

matlab cell-array

How to sort a structure array

Find index of all (non-unique) elements in a cell array as they appear in a second (sorted and unique) cell array

matlab find cell-array

How to apply regexp to the cell array in Matlab?

regex matlab cell-array

How can I sort the elements of a cell?

matlab sorting cell-array

How do you sort and efficiently find elements in a cell array (of strings) in Octave?