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How to choose the second element of each cell-array in a larger cell-array?



Intended output

11 22 33 44

P.s. hhh{1}{2}, hhh{2}{2}, hhh{3}{2} and hhh{4}{2} returns the right output but I am trying to find how to do it like hhh{:}{2}.

like image 847
hhh Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 10:12


1 Answers

One way would be to use cellfun

cellfun(@(x)(x{n}), hhh)

Which is essentially just a short hand for a for loop.

Or another possibly which is completely vectorized but will be more difficult to generalize is to first linearize and then select every second element:

temp = [hhh{:}]

Octave allows this in one line (Matlab does not unfortunately):

like image 67
Dan Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 04:01
