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Is OCR no longer an issue?

According to Wikipedia, "The accurate recognition of Latin-script, typewritten text is now considered largely a solved problem on applications where clear imaging is available such as scanning of printed documents." However, it gives no citation.

My question is: is this true? Is the current state-of-the-art so good that - for a good scan of English text - there aren't any major improvements left to be made?

Or, a less subjective form of this question is: how accurate are modern OCR systems at recognising English text for good quality scans?

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David Johnstone Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 04:03

David Johnstone

1 Answers

I think that it is indeed a solved problem. Just have a look on the plethora of OCR technology articles for C#, C++, Java, etc.

Of course the article does stress that the script needs to be typewritten and clear. This makes recognition a relatively trivial task, whereas if you need to OCR scanned pages (noise) or handwriting (diffusion), it can get trickier as there are more things to tune correctly.

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NT_ Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 17:03