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New posts in cppcheck

sscanf(s, "%u", &v) matching signed integers

Suppress multiple warnings from one line?


why cppcheck say "Function parameter should be passed by reference"?

c++ cppcheck

Why is CPP Check not showing any ERRORS?

How can I tell Cppcheck to skip a header file

googletest cppcheck

Possible null pointer dereference - otherwise it is redundant to check it against null

c++ cppcheck

Using memset() on struct which contains a floating point number

How to exclude test paths from cppcheck analysis?

c++ cppcheck

cppcheck How to suppress inline unmatched suppression?

cppcheck plugin issue with visual studio 2017 "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

c++ visual-studio cppcheck

Any way to fail build in TeamCity by result of cppcheck analysis

Why does CppCheck give an array access out of bounds error for this static const array?

What is a Windows equivalent of CppCheck?

c++ memory-leaks cppcheck

Cppcheck inline suppression not working


cppcheck warns about the pointer to local variable in list initialization

c++ cppcheck

how can i redirect the output of cppcheck into file?

How do I install Cppcheck using the tar file on Linux?

linux installation cppcheck

Cppcheck support in CMake

cmake cppcheck