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New posts in character-arrays

Doesn't %[] or %[^] specifier in scanf(),sscanf() or fscanf() store the input in null-terminated character array?

Assigning a character array in Fortran

Initializing C char array using curly braces, is it okay to omit null byte '\0'?

c character-arrays

Why is a char* being treated the same as a char** in C?

const char* and free()

How to repeat a character multiple times as a MATLAB array?

Program skips cin.getline()

Clarification of char pointers in C

c pointers character-arrays

Why adding a Null Character in a String array? [duplicate]

Copying the content of a character array to a QString in Qt

How can I remove 'garbage input' from a C string?

C++: Does strcat() overwrite or move the null?

c++ character-arrays

Removing punctuation and capitalizing in C

Comparing character arrays and string literals in C++

"Semantic issue: Implicitly declaring library function 'malloc' with type 'void *(unsigned long)'"

Making an Array to Hold Arrays of Character Arrays in C

c arrays character-arrays

When should std::string be used over character arrays?

c++ string character-arrays

PHP - iterate on string characters

php string character-arrays