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New posts in fsockopen

How to fake a resourse for a unit test in PHP?

I need to go through a proxy, (from a running fsockopen code that gets the size from a remote video file)

php proxy fsockopen

fsockopen() how does it actually work? [closed]

Trying to connect SSL server using fsockopen()

php php-5.6 fsockopen

fsockopen connection does not close until timeout

php fgets fsockopen

connect to a server via sftp php

php curl ftp sftp fsockopen

What is blocking fsockopen?

php curl fsockopen

live audio stream socket get stuck in browser

php fsockopen how to know if connection is alive

multi-thread, multi-curl crawler in PHP

Sending emails from PHPMailer using proxies IP addresses

Reading data from fsockopen using fgets/fread hangs

php fread fgets fsockopen feof

Preventing warnings from fsockopen

php warnings fsockopen

Something faster than get_headers()

PHP Post data with Fsockopen

php sockets fsockopen

Which is better approach between fsockopen and curl? [closed]

Connecting to WebDAV with PHP?

php upload webdav fsockopen

Unable to find the socket transport "https"

php iis fsockopen

Socket transport "ssl" in PHP not enabled

php ssl iis-6 fsockopen