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New posts in http-status-codes

Which HTTP code to use, in a REST API, for a subresource if the parent resource doesn't exist?

api rest http-status-codes

Status 204 shows response.ok

Custom exceptions to Http status codes in ASP.NET API

Django REST Framework ValidationError always returns 400

Can an enum be null in C#

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Check HTTP Status Code in Rails

Why does HttpException.GetHttpCode() return an int instead of a System.Net.HttpStatusCode?

c# http http-status-codes

What's 305 HTTP status code? How to use it properly?

Changing http response status code for given url in chrome

Which HTTP response codes are errors?

RESTful- Which HTTP Status to Return on False

Send HTTP 403.6 status code

RESTful API response status code disambiguation

Http response codes for invalid data and data conflict [duplicate]

http rest http-status-codes

How can I return an error message and HTTP status code that calls jQuery AJAX error function?