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New posts in http-status-codes

how to handle httpStatuscode correctly

Still necessary to use 'Status: 404 Not Found' for FCGI?

HTTP proxy error status codes

what status code to throw when there is a concurrency error?

Python Requests: response object does not contain 'status' header

Proper status code to return when login fails

http http-status-codes

Angular HTTP: Status -1 and CORS

Which status to return for request to invalid URL for different http methods?

Which HTTP status code to use upon remote server failure? 500 or 502?

http http-status-codes

AJAX returns unusual status codes

REST HTTP status code for "success, and thus you no longer have access"

http rest http-status-codes

Code 200 httpresponse on django

How does Spring Security BadCredentialsException mapped to HTTP 401 code

Is 202 Accepted appropriate when a resource awaits email confirmation/activation?

Return HTTP status code dynamically as per the request using @ExceptionHandler

Return HTTP Status "created" in Play! Framework

Proper status code for a maintenance page redirect?

What is HTTP Status code 000?

What is the HTTP status code for License limit reached

http http-status-codes

Eradicating 401 "Unauthorised" responses followed by 200 "Ok" responses