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Handle Angular $http errors locally with fallback to global error handling

Angular 2 Http RetryWhen

Angular 2 Spring Boot Login CORS Problems

Getting JSON for Angular 2 from HTTP remote server fails, but succeeds localy

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Angular : Using the equivalent of RequestOptions of Http with HttpClient

Angular >= 4.3, httpClient.get params empty

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Angular $http.get to localhost, always returns 404. 200 in browser

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Angular HTTP: Status -1 and CORS

how to sent array data as formdata angular 4

Wait for $http promise before the next request

Why AngularJS sends X-XSRF-TOKEN header as JSON string?

Where and how to use HttpResponse in angular2

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Angular JS cancel $http call before calling a new $http

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Getting data from a web service with Angular.js

Angular http returning status 0, but I expect 404

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How to propagate errors through catchError() properly?

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How to make an http call every 2 minutes with RXJS?

angular rxjs angular-http

How does HTTP error-handling work with observables?