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New posts in http-response-codes

Why does cURL sometimes require the "www." part of a URL to work, and vice versa?

HTTP response codes 500 vs 502 vs 503?

HTTP response code when requested websocket subprotocol isn't supported/recognized

changing a specific header in yaws respond

Why does HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() throws IOException? [duplicate]

Is 202 Accepted appropriate when a resource awaits email confirmation/activation?

Choosing the right HTTP response code for incorrect POST data

html http-response-codes

Download file Error 2 , FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR

What HTTP response code should be returned when a constraint fails?

How can I intercept http errors with angular2?

Returning http status codes with a rest api

ASP.NET custom error page HTTP response

Making Struts send 500 Internal Server Error when exceptions get thrown

What HTTP response code should be used for an OPTION request?

Return HTTP error from RESTeasy interface

What response code is appropriate for this situation?

http http-response-codes

How to find the location URL in a Django response object?

Why does django return 301 and 302 as server response codes after a user logs in and a flatpage is displayed?