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New posts in http-options-method

In HTTP logs I am seeing OPTIONS, GET, OPTIONS, POST why?

HTTP OPTIONS Pre-flight request Load Cancelled with pending Status in Chrome

CORS response headers not working in Spray when requested from browser

(Mobile) Browser support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing?

Can Spring autogenerate an 'Allow' header on an OPTIONS method?

Http Option Method with Javascript request

WebAPI CORS - why is the OPTIONS request making its way into my Controller?

Entry point to REST/HATEOAS API?

How do I configure embedded Jetty to handle OPTIONS preflight requests?

Should a HTTP Allow header contain "OPTIONS"?

What HTTP response code should be used for an OPTION request?

nginx: Do not require Basic Authentication only if http request is OPTIONS

Why does the browser send an OPTIONS request even though my frontend code is just making a POST request?

How to solve ASP.NET Web API CORS Preflight issue when using PUT and DELETE requests with multiple origins?

OPTIONS request authentication

How to handle "OPTIONS *" request in nginx?

How to respond to OPTIONS HTTP Method in rails-api?

Problem sending JSON data from JQuery to WCF REST method