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New posts in spray

How to match specific accept headers in a route?

scala spray

How to get the request context in a custom directive?


Spray-can NoClassDefFoundError


How to use nested case classes and spray json implicits

json scala spray

Can't convert unicode symbols to cyrillic

How to convert a result of ask to appropriate type?

scala akka spray

Spark Job Server: "The server was not able to produce a timely response to your request"

Spray client - treat response with unexpected content-type as application/json?

Where to put favicon for a scala Spray application (i.e. what is the root of the site?)?

scala rest akka favicon spray

Why are my requests handled by a single thread in spray-http?

akka spray

How to get http request header info from the server side with spray RestAPI

scala spray spray-test

How to stop Spray server with routing DSL without upgrading to Akka HTTP?

scala akka spray akka-http

akka http, charset header, utf-8 issue

Why does authenticate directive lead to "Error: type mismatch"?


Providing a JsonFormat for a Sequence of Objects

json scala spray spray-json

Akka-http: How to get custom header from a request?

akka spray akka-http

Can I create a default OPTIONS method directive for all entry points in my route?

scala spray spray-dsl