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New posts in urlconnection

dfference between using URLCOnnection Object and Httppost in android client

Setting "User-Agent" parameters for URLConnection for querying Google from a Java application

URLConnection does not handle content length via proxy correctly

Android: URLConnection.getContentLength() giving incorrect value

why does the call to java.net.URLConnection.getHeaderField(0) result in a StackOverflowError?

Read from a BufferedReader more than once in Java

Why does HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() throws IOException? [duplicate]

Calling a Servlet from a Java application

java servlets urlconnection

Creating an object of abstract class URLConnection or HttpURLConnection in Java

Strict and reliable timeout on HttpClient

How to send an HTTP header in java

android difference between httpclient and httpurlconnection, which one to implement? [duplicate]

java.net.URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream and text/plain

301/302 Redirect not working in Android (work differently in different versions)

Jax-ws set connection timeout for reading wsdl and sending request

java wsdl jax-ws urlconnection

connection.setRequestProperty and excplicitly writing to the urloutputstream are they same?

java urlconnection

java.lang.ClassCastException: libcore.net.http.HttpURLConnectionImpl cannot be cast to javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection

understanding URLConnection.setReadTimeout()

java timeout urlconnection