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New posts in urlconnection

Download binary file from Github using Java

java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out while connecting through a proxy

Is it possible to check progress of URLconnection.getInputStream()?

java progress urlconnection

Expanding a shortened url to its original full length url in java

java url urlconnection

Proxy With Java URLConnection class

java proxy urlconnection

Why would URLConnection timeout after 6+ minutes instead of 5 seconds?

Setting custom HTTP request headers in an URL object doesn't work

Java: What is the purpose of setDoInput in URLConnection [duplicate]

It is possible to stop a thread that is connecting to URL with httpConnection.connect()?

Removing URLConnection object from ArrayList<URLConnection>

Getting a reference to Java's default http(s) URLStreamHandler

Httpclient deprecated

Java HttpURLConnection: Content Length computation

URLConnection FTP list files

java file ftp urlconnection

Got stuck at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)

Use java http connection instance after exception

Java: resume Download in URLConnection

java resume urlconnection

Java HTTPUrlConnection timeout does not work