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New posts in strlen

Why is absence of array index in "extern char name[]" not affecting strlen(name) but causing error for sizeof(name)?

c sizeof extern strlen

passing argument 1 of 'strlen' differ in signedness

c strlen

PHP Insert Multiple Spaces

php spaces explode strlen

Function to check if string length in greater than or less than required amount

php strlen

strlen function giving wrong value

c arrays strlen

C char pointer length

c arrays initialization strlen

C Programming - Functionality of strlen

c string strlen

Why strlen function works without #include<string.h>?

c libraries std strlen string.h

Is a strlen call in snprintf causing this segfault?

Usage of fgets function in C

c shell unix fgets strlen

Bus error while running a simple string C program [duplicate]

c string strlen bus-error

Why is my (re)implementation of strlen wrong?

c++ c string recursion strlen

Where C++ really stores a string if the char array that stores it is smaller than a string is?

c++ arrays string char strlen

getting the length of an array using strlen in g++ compiler

c++ string cstring strlen

Valgrind errors on simple C string functions

c string valgrind strlen

How to determine array length of uint8_t?

c arrays strlen uint8t

how does strlen count unicode in c

c unicode count strlen

parallel strlen?

Size of string literal consisting of escaped characters

strlen() php function giving the wrong length of unicode characters [duplicate]

php strlen