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New posts in extern

c++: "double free or corruption" for global extern variable?

Where is this TrySZBinarySearch implemented? [closed]

C++ global extern constant defined at runtime available across multiple source files

c++ c global-variables extern

Defining extern array from different files

c extern

error when using extern "C" to include a header in c++ program

c++ c extern

C++/Java recursion variable initialize

Why is absence of array index in "extern char name[]" not affecting strlen(name) but causing error for sizeof(name)?

c sizeof extern strlen

c++ extern constant int for array size

Error and warnings in Xcode when declaring Array of NSString* as a global extern

C++: Linking extern variables from within a namespace

Linker error using extern "C" in Objective-C code

c++ objective-c c linker extern

c++ duplicate symbol linker error when sharing a variable in a namespace

Why "second C linkage of overloaded function" is not allowed?

c++ c dll extern

Usage of virtual class and extern in C++

c++ class virtual extern

Acces variables from an inner class in java

java inner-classes extern

What is a concept behind using extern in c/c++?

c++ c extern

Does C provide a way to declare an extern variable as 'read-only', but define it as writeable?

How to use an extern union array in C?

c arrays extern unions

extern and global variables with the same name in C

c global external extern

Is it possible to typedef a pointer-to-extern-"C"-function type within a template?

c++ templates typedef extern