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New posts in text-files

Preserving newline characters in data:text URI

AWK: Preserving the format when printing "print $0"

Working with text file in Python

python text-files

libsvm model file format

Read from an existing text file(.txt) in sql server 2005

How to delete the first line of a file using Batch?

How to write a for-loop to read 1000 text files in Matlab?

matlab text-files

determining the line terminator in Emacs

emacs elisp text-files eol

Does adding a DNS TXT record slow down loading times?

dns text-files

Basic Input/Output C++ Error

c++ text-files ofstream

Reading first line of a text file in javascript

Best way to read multiple very large files

stop browser from caching a text file

How to compare two huge text files (more than 50gb each)?

When I write to a text file using sp_OAMethod nothing shows up

print a cell array as .txt in Matlab

matlab text-files printf

Efficient way to add two lines at the beginning of a very large file

How do you split a string at a specific point?

python split text-files

How can I use python to convert a fixed width txt file to csv?

python csv text-files

C++ Trouble Reading a Text File