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New posts in pre-commit

git precommit-hook: check whether line content has changed

Pre-commit flake8 with setup.cfg in subfolder

Git pre-commit hooks keeps modifying files even after I have staged previously modified files

running pytest as a pre-commit hook // no such file or directory issue

zsh: command not found: pre-commit but package installed

Is there a way to 'script' a git commit - only accepting some diffs?

git pre-commit

How do i add a command line prompt as the $EDITOR when committing in svn and git

svn git editor prompt pre-commit

What is the format of the deltas in a subversion respository, and how badly can I blow it up if I change them in a pre-commit hook?

perl svn pre-commit delta

Temporarily clearing untracked files before commit in Git

git testing commit pre-commit

pre-commit hook to check django migrations

how to automate or facilitate multiplatform build/test before committing?

Running Django Tests with a Precommit Hook

Is it possible to run mypy pre-commit without making it fail?

Running pre-commit hooks (e.g. pylint) when developing with docker

User permissions for add/remove a file/folder in svn

Package requires a different Python: 2.7.17 not in '>=3.6.1' while setting up pre-commit

How to access commit message with Husky pre-commit hook?

Is it possible to add a "Precommit hook" on TFS?

How can I share a commit-hook in mercurial with all fellow developers?