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Pre-commit flake8 with setup.cfg in subfolder

Git pre-commit hooks keeps modifying files even after I have staged previously modified files

Pylint with pre-commit and EsLlint with husky

pre-commit hook failing for a Python project

Pylint and pre-commit python 3.7

running pytest as a pre-commit hook // no such file or directory issue

zsh: command not found: pre-commit but package installed

How to uninstall pre-commit

pre-commit hook to check django migrations

Precommit check-yaml error : "expected a single document in the stream"

yaml pre-commit.com

Is it possible to run mypy pre-commit without making it fail?

Package requires a different Python: 2.7.17 not in '>=3.6.1' while setting up pre-commit

Where does pre-commit install "environments"?

VSCode integrated source control and pre-commit

pylint and pre-commit hook unable to import

How to run custom shell script file before pre commit hook

Exclude some files on running black using pre-commit