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New posts in pre-commit-hook

TortoiseSVN client pre commit hook to check the contents of file being committed

git precommit-hook: check whether line content has changed

SVN pre-commit hook to reject Python files with inconsistent tab usage

python svn pre-commit-hook

Pre-commit flake8 with setup.cfg in subfolder

How to prevent commit in detached HEAD

How to automate property setting in SVN?

running pytest as a pre-commit hook // no such file or directory issue

Git pre-commit hook + docker = different git status

git docker pre-commit-hook

Gitlab pre-commit hook

gitlab hook pre-commit-hook

pre-commit hook to check django migrations

Is it possible to commit in TortoiseGit with --no-verify flag?

Use the commit message in a CVS pre-commit hook

How can I access the commited file from a Subversion pre-commit hook in Perl?

perl svn pre-commit-hook

Pre-commit hook for Git when Hudson build has failed

How can I share a commit-hook in mercurial with all fellow developers?

How do I create a SVN Commit Message Template and Hook to Verify

husky > pre-commit hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass)