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New posts in pre-commit-hook

Is it Possible to Run SonarQube Analysis Through Pre-commit Hooks

Package requires a different Python: 2.7.17 not in '>=3.6.1' while setting up pre-commit

How to send stdout to the user when running SVN pre-commit hook

svn pre-commit-hook

How to access commit message with Husky pre-commit hook?

How exclude !Ref tag from check-yaml git hook?

How do you access the commit message in a Mercurial in-process hook?

Searching files with pre-commit

Is it possible to add a "Precommit hook" on TFS?

git pre-commit hook code formatting with partial commit?

Pylint ignore file with git-pylint-commit-hook

git clone different repository in git hooks creating trouble

SVN Pre-commit hook to be triggered for a particular folder

Pipe STDIN to a script that is itself being piped to the Python interpreter?

Subversion: how to remove property on commit

Why isn't my git pre-commit hook trimming white space from the end of lines?

Can git pre-receive hooks evaluate the incoming commit?

How Do I Run Prettier Only on Files That I Want to Commit?

Organize imports of java files using eclipse from command line