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New posts in commit-message

Trigger build in Jenkins/Hudson using hashtag in commit-message

Amending a pushed commit message [duplicate]

What is the use of commit messages?

XCode: Commit failed in SVN : No space left on device

Git: change HEAD commit's message without touching the index

git commit commit-message

How do you access the commit message in a Mercurial in-process hook?

How might I force our developers to enter notes when committing via TortoiseSVN? [duplicate]

How do I edit past git commits to remove my password from the commit logs?

git commit commit-message

How to edit Mercurial commit message after branching?

Print git commits body lines joined in one line

git git-log commit-message

Git magic keywords in commit messages (Signed-off-by, Co-authored-by, Fixes, ...)

How do I edit the commit message of any commit in git? [duplicate]

git commit-message

Tagging commit messages and changesets

What is "add files via upload" commit message in GitHub repositories?

github commit-message

Commit type before feature is done

How to write git commit messages for submodule updates?

JIRA code validation commit hook for 'git'

git jira commit-message

How do I create a SVN Commit Message Template and Hook to Verify

What to do after typing in commit message for git?

git commit commit-message

Why is it considered good practice to describe git commits in the present tense?

git commit commit-message