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New posts in git-amend

How do I add a co-author to latest pushed git commit?

Edit incorrect commit message in GitHub for Windows

How to change author name on git branch

git commit --amend - commit hash is changed when no changes are made

git hash commit git-amend

Amending a pushed commit message [duplicate]

Git commit --amend merged two commits

git git-commit git-amend

Is there any way to change commit message for a specific commit in git? [duplicate]

If I push an amended commit will it create a new commit?

git push git-amend

Make a diff with amend commit

git git-amend

git fake merge (marking a commit as merged without a real merge) [duplicate]

git merge git-amend

How can I edit an old git commit message programmatically?

git commit --amend in detached HEAD state

Change commit message for specific commit

How to undo the initial commit on a remote repository in git?

git git-push git-amend

How to create a new Patchset in Gerrit?

git merge conflict after git amend - "Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged"

How to git commit --amend a commit that's the base of a branch

git rebase git-amend

How to confirm changes after `git commit --amend` in Terminal? [duplicate]

How does git commit --amend work, exactly?

git git-commit git-amend

Why does git call me "clever" when I reword the last commit message?

git commit git-amend