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New posts in pre-commit-hook

Does NetBeans ignore my Git pre-commit hook?

Write GIT pre-commit hook in java?

java git pre-commit-hook

How can a pre-commit git hook runs rspec tests and prevent a commit?

How do I add clang-formatting to pre-commit hook?

How to enforce Coding Standard for the repository located in GIthub

Mercurial Pre-Commit Hook: How to hook to python program in current directory?

How to run tests before the commit in Pycharm/Intellij Idea

Git hook, modify commit files

Perforce client side pre-commit hook

perforce pre-commit-hook

npm pre commit not working

npm pre-commit-hook

Pre-commit hook to check for Jira issue key

windows svn pre-commit-hook

git: Can I stash an untracked file without adding it to the index?

Use gruntjs as precommit hook

git gruntjs pre-commit-hook

How do you manage git pre-commit hooks in a team in automated way?

git pre-commit-hook

Git pre-commit hook: getting list of changed files

Mercurial hook to disallow committing large binary files

How to make a git pre-commit code check?

Force Bitbucket Commit to be associated to JIRA Ticket by Comment Formatting

How to make a pre-commit hook that prevents non-UTF-8 file encodings

svn git pre-commit-hook

Where does pre-commit install "environments"?