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New posts in mercurial-hook

Temporarily disable a hook?

mercurial mercurial-hook

How do I set up a hook in HG / Mercurial that gets dictated by the repository?

ignore certain mercurial commands in mercurial hook

How to use a relative pathname to a Mercurial hook

Using Mercurial hooks to create/load database dumps for versioning

How to show hook output in Tortoise Hg log window?

Can I configure mercurial hooks like some extensions are configured in the hgrc file?

How to run "hg update" via mercurial incoming hook


Adding hooks to TortoiseHg

Let Jenkins build project from a Mercurial commit

What are the hook parameters passed to external hook program/script?

mercurial mercurial-hook

Mercurial: enforce "hg pull -u" before "hg commit"

Mercurial Changegroup hook varies based on branches

Mercurial Hook - change a commit message pre commit

tortoisehg one step commit push - how to and where is the log file

Mercurial hook not executing properly

How can I share a commit-hook in mercurial with all fellow developers?

Useful Mercurial Hooks [closed]