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New posts in mercurial-extension

In mercurial, how to see tags for only a set of revisions instead of all?

Mercurial Extension with no/default options

How do I configure Mercurial to not commit specific config files?

How do I safely disable/remove the largefiles directory from a mercurial repository?

Ways to write performance testing for Mercurial (hg) extension using Python

Using the --quiet tag when extending Mercurial

Is there a Mercurial extension like svn propset?

Version-controlled extension configuration in Mercurial

tortoisehg one step commit push - how to and where is the log file

hg-git clone from Github gives "abort: repository is unrelated"

Mercurial convert changes line endings?

Simple Mercurial extension fails to import

Installing Hg-Git on Windows 7 64bit

How to enable Mercurial extensions (such as mq)?