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PHPCS not running on the command line?

php codesniffer

CodeSniffer sniff for generating dependency graphs for PHP code?

How to use PHP_CodeSniffer with XAMPP?

php codesniffer

Modifying PEAR standard for phpcs

php pear codesniffer

PHP CodeSniffer ignore/exclude underscore rule in methods

Any way to show only error on codesniffer

php codesniffer

PSR2 with class declarations extending classes with namespaces in PHP Code Sniffer

php codesniffer

Why should is_null() not be used?

php isnull codesniffer

What's the difference between sublimelinter-php and sublimelinter-phpcs?

How to create PHP-UnitTest case for PHP_Codesniffer standards?`

php phpunit codesniffer

PhpStorm Can not run PHP Code CodeSniffer

php phpstorm codesniffer

How to I display results of phpcs in VIM?

php vim codesniffer

codesniffer using pear standard ignore line indent

PHPCS Limit to Filetype

php codesniffer

Can I override the used phpcs ruleset per file if so, how?

php codesniffer

Sniffer Snippet to allow brackets on new line

php codesniffer

Use PSR-2 with exceptions in PHP CodeSniffer

php codesniffer

PHP CodeSniffer: ERROR: The specified sniff code "Generic.Files.LineEndings.InvalidEOLChar" is invalid

Why aren't CodeSniffer excluding the --ignore specified folders?