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SVN Pre-commit hook to be triggered for a particular folder

Opening parenthesis of a multi-line function call must be the last content on the line

php codesniffer psr-3

How to configure PHP CodeSniffer to allow my case statements to be indented the way I like?

Exclude a specific PHPCS rule for a specific file

php codesniffer

How to add multiple paths for phpcs?

php codesniffer phpcs

Xdebug triggered by Code Sniffer in PHPStorm

php xdebug codesniffer

How to detect dynamic declarated fields on objects with codesniffer in PHP

Git pre-receive hook to launch PHP CodeSniffer [closed]

php git codesniffer

Wrong include_path for Codesniffer

pear codesniffer xampp

Ignore specific warnings with PHP_CodeSniffer

php codesniffer

How to use CodeSniffer in Netbeans 8.1

How can I set my preferred indent level with PHP CodeSniffer?

php codesniffer

PHPStorm Is throwing an error when trying to run phpcs

php phpstorm codesniffer

What is the right way to install codesniffer to Aptana Studio standalone version?

@param tag alignment in php code sniffer

Custom ruleset for phpcs using PHPStorm

php phpstorm codesniffer

Use PHP_CodeSniffer for modified lines only

Missing file doc comment?

drupal codesniffer

How to override a rule/sniff in a PHP CodeSniffer ruleset correctly and to avoid doublechecking of code?

What are the main differences between the PSR-2 coding standard and the Symfony2 code standard for phpcs?