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Git pre-receive hook to launch PHP CodeSniffer [closed]

I'd like to check code committed to my remote git repository with PHP CodeSniffer and reject it if there are any problems code standards. Does anyone have an example how to use it on git remote repository or maybe example how to use it with pre-receive hook? Thanks.

like image 480
rzajac Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 16:03


2 Answers

Maybe this point you in the right direction: (Orginal from: http://www.squatlabs.de/versionierung/arbeiten-git-hooks in German)


$output = array();
$rc     = 0;
exec('git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2> /dev/null', $output, $rc);
if ($rc == 0)  $against = 'HEAD';
else           $against = '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904';

exec('git diff-index --cached --name-only '. $against, $output);

$needle            = '/(\.php|\.module|\.install)$/';
$exit_status = 0;

foreach ($output as $file) {
        if (!preg_match($needle, $file)) {
                // only check php files

        $lint_output = array();
        $rc              = 0;
        exec('php -l '. escapeshellarg($file), $lint_output, $rc);
        if ($rc == 0) {
        # echo implode("\n", $lint_output), "\n";
        $exit_status = 1;


You will have to edit the exec line exec('php -l... to point to your codesniffer installation.

like image 152
Rufinus Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10


Ok I found the solution :)

This is proof of concept code :) for pre-receive hook:


while read old_sha1 new_sha1 refname; do
    echo "ns: " $new_sha1;
    echo "os: " $old_sha1;

    echo "----"

    git ls-tree -r $new_sha1 | cut -f 3 -d ' ' | cut -f 1 | while read file; do
        git cat-file blob $file

    echo "----"


exit 1

This example code will only print blobs received by remote repository but it's enough to get someone needing something like that going (I hope).

You can put every blob in some temporary file run whatever you need on this file delete the file and so on...

like image 3
rzajac Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
