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PHPcs xml config disable some rules

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PHPMD and PHPCS Camelcase for Tests

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PHP CodeSniffer ignore/exclude underscore rule in methods

Associative array align => with PHP-CS-Fixer

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phpcs: Missing parameter comment

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Ignoring single PHPCS rule when running from command line


PHP CodeSniffer: ERROR: The specified sniff code "Generic.Files.LineEndings.InvalidEOLChar" is invalid

How do I fix the following phpcs error in Visual Studio Code?

When running phpcs, ERROR: Referenced sniff "PHPCompatibility" does not exist is coming

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Configure PHP-cs-fixer indentation for 2 spaces rather than 4?

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How to add multiple paths for phpcs?

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Resolve this error for Laravel migration file: Each class must be in a namespace of at least one level

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phpcs version not specified

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phpcs: How can I modify PSR2 to check that the brace is on the same line as the method?

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PhpStorm: How to disable PHPCS for Javascript

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How can I suppress PHPCS warnings using comments?

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