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New posts in php-7.1

Function mcrypt_create_iv() is deprecated within CodeIgniter framework

php codeigniter php-7.1

PHP: Is there opposite of null coalescing operator?

Testing class with private/protected constant

Function mcrypt_get_iv_size() is deprecated in Laravel 4.2 on MAMP running PHP 7.1.0

PHP 7.1.x - mysqli_connect Isn't Defined (Extension is turned on)

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Doctrine php7+ type hinting, Declaration of Proxies error

PHP Unserialize Removing Object Property

curl and mbstring php 7.1 installation on ubuntu 17.04

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Symfony 3.4 session time

How to install PHP 7.1 on EC2 running on Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03 having nginx as web server?

Narrow return type in PHP7

php type-hinting php-7.1

Reading "this" and "use" arguments from a PHP closure

php closures php-7.1

PHP - Why do different versions of PHP return different results when I use $this as a dynamic variable in isset()?

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How do I make openssl_encrypt pad the input to the required block size?

Symfony 2.8 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ';' or '{' in c:\xampp\htdocs\myproject\path\to\AnnotationRegistry.php on line 50

How to install bcmath in Ubuntu for PHP 7.1