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Dynamic host in axios

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Symfony 4 change password by username - email can not be null

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Symfony 4 use Doctrine inside a Service

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Validation for Rest Api in Symfony 4

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Symfony Serializer XML add custom attribute to root node

Symfony 4 : ignore kernel events coming from debug toolbar

Symfony 4 make:entity --regenerate fail with: No entities were found in the "App" namespace

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MappingException: "Extension DOM is required."


Decorate all services that implement the same interface by default?

Sending email using office365 server with swiftmailer in symfony

Symfony upgrade give me error from 4.1 to 4.4

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symfony server:start command throwing an error

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How to mock the Symfony HttpClient as a dependecy?

How to change Symfony's console script name

PHP 7.2 throws run "composer require symfony/dotenv", 7.1 does not

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Adding bootstrap in Symfony 4

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Symfony validation doesnt' work with Api Platform when using custom action class

symfony4 api-platform.com

Expected argument of type "string", "null" given at property path

Symfony 4 "Connection refused" while trying to connect to docker mysql container

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symfony - usePutenv default change deprecation warning fix