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Encrypt text in PHP and decrypt in Python

Encrypting (large) files in PHP with openSSL

AES encrypt in PHP with OpenSSL / decrypt in Node.js

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Composer -- > error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

Validating that an uploaded file is a valid PEM file

php openssl php-openssl

OpenSSL support disabled in Apache/PHP on Windows

Call to undefined function openssl_decrypt

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PHP RSA key creation

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PHP openssl_pkcs7_verify Not Working

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Why does openssl_verify() fail to verify my JWT token signature?

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How to decrypt a string with OpenSSL which was previously encrypted with mcrypt?

php mcrypt php-openssl

How do I make openssl_encrypt pad the input to the required block size?

Validate RRSIG with PHP using openssl

php php-openssl dnssec

Replacing mcrypt_encrypt using MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 with openssl_encrypt

php mcrypt php-openssl

56 Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT?

how to fix SSL certificate verification failure

Unexpected result decrypting using PHP AES CCM mode

Correct way to use php openssl_encrypt