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Why Laravel migrations class doesn't have a namespace?

php laravel psr-2

Multiple "right margins" or guides in PHPStorm

PHP PSR-2 new lines before/ after statments

php coding-style psr-2

PSR-2 Opening braces for control structures

php psr-2

Should I use new self or new static?

psr-2 more then one blank line

php psr-2

PHP Namespace Class Naming Convention

When running phpcs, ERROR: Referenced sniff "PHPCompatibility" does not exist is coming

php php-7.1 phpcs psr-2

PHP 's' in namespace: Controller or Controllers, Model or Models?

php symfony yii namespaces psr-2

php-cs-fixer: need more information on using fix --level option

php symfony coding-style psr-2

Does PSR-2 require vertical alignment?

php psr-2

PSR2 - multiline array indentation between key and value

php psr-2

Are parentheses required in PSR-2 PHP ternary syntax?

php psr-2 psr-1

What are the main differences between the PSR-2 coding standard and the Symfony2 code standard for phpcs?

Add an empty line at end of file according to PSR-2 on PhpStorm

What is the difference between StudlyCaps and CamelCase?

psr-2 psr-1